Development, Health and Environment Research Group


Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Development, Health, and Environmental Economics. Our group comprises a unique blend of researchers and scholars who are passionate about understanding and addressing the complex challenges at the intersection of development, health, and environmental economics. This is a platform that allows anyone to apply administrative data to address issues in the fields specified.

Our mission is to conduct rigorous research that contributes to the global understanding of these interconnected fields. We believe that the key to sustainable development lies in the synergy of these areas. By studying them together, we aim to provide holistic solutions that consider the economic, health, and environmental aspects of development.

Our Topics

In Development Economics, we focus on understanding the economic aspects of developing countries and how to promote sustainable economic growth. This includes studying topics such as income distribution, poverty reduction, and the role of policy in economic development.

In Health Economics, we analyze the functioning of healthcare systems and the impact of health policies. We aim to understand how resources are allocated in the healthcare sector and how this affects the health outcomes of populations.

In Environmental Economics, we study the economic impacts of environmental policies and the role of the economy in shaping our environment. This includes research on topics such as climate change, natural resource management, and the environmental natural disasters impacts.

Together, we strive to create a healthier, more prosperous, and sustainable world. We welcome collaboration and believe in the power of shared knowledge to drive progress. Join us as we explore the fascinating intersection of development, health, and environmental economics.

Data availability and access

The datasets that we have used and generated in this research are stored and managed in a secure and ethical manner. We are happy to share our data with other researchers who are interested in our topics and have a valid research purpose. If you want to know more about our data sources, types, formats, and quality, please send us an email with your name, affiliation, and research question. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and provide you with the necessary information and instructions on how to access our data.


If you are interested in joining our research group, we invite you to send us your proposals. Please include your CV, a brief summary of your research interests, background, and goals. We will review your proposals and select the most promising ones for further discussion.

We will then set up a meeting to introduce you to our data and the current projects we are working on. Our data consists of various sources of economic, health, and environmental indicators from different countries and regions. We use advanced methods of data analysis and econometrics to conduct our research.

We receive and review proposals on a continuous basis throughout the year. We do not have a fixed deadline or a specific number of proposals that we accept. We make our decision in selecting proposals on a rolling basis, based on the quality, relevance, and feasibility of the proposals. It is expected to notify the applicants of our decision within four weeks of receiving their proposals.

We look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your ideas. If you have any questions or concerns about the selection process or timeline, please contact us by emailing

Proposal Requirements

The requirements for submitting a proposal are:

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics or a related field.
  • You must have a strong interest in development, health, and environmental economics.
  • You must have good skills in data analysis and econometrics, preferably using software such as Stata, R, Python, and Julia.
  • You must have a clear and feasible research question that relates to one or more of the fields of our research group.
  • You must provide a brief summary of your proposal (no more than 500 words) that includes the following information:
    • The research question and its relevance to our research group.
    • The data sources and methods you plan to use to answer the question.
    • The expected results and implications of your research.
    • The timeline of your research project.

Note that before you start writing your proposal, please contact us by email with a brief description of your research topic and question. We will check if your topic is aligned with our research interests and priorities, and if it is not already covered by other proposals or projects that we have received or supported. We will reply to you within two weeks and advise you whether you can proceed with your proposal or not. Please make sure to follow these requirements and format your proposal accordingly. We will only consider proposals that meet aforementioned criteria.


Can I submit more than one proposal?

No, you can only submit one proposal per person. We want to give everyone a fair chance to join our research group and we have a limited number of slots available. Please choose the proposal that best reflects your interests and abilities.

How many proposals will be selected?

We do not have a fixed number of proposals that will be selected. It depends on the quality and diversity of the proposals we receive. We will try to select as many as possible, but we also have to consider the availability of our data, resources, and supervision. We will notify your proposal has been selected or not, by four weeks after you applied. We appreciate your patience and interest.

How long should my research project be?

The duration of your research project should be realistic and reasonable, considering the scope, methods, and expected outcomes of your research. We do not have a strict limit on the length of the research projects, but we generally expect them to be completed within 12 to 18 months. If you need more time to complete your research project, you should provide a clear justification and a detailed timeline in your proposal. You should also report your progress and challenges regularly to us and seek our feedback and guidance when necessary.

Can I submit a proposal with a team of researchers?

Yes, you can submit a proposal with a team of researchers, as long as you clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities of each team member, and the expected contribution and benefit of each team member to the research project. You should also provide the contact details and qualifications of each team member in your proposal.

Who will evaluate my proposal?

Your proposal will be evaluated by a panel of researchers and scholars who have relevant knowledge and experience in the fields of development economics, health economics, and environmental economics. The panel will include the founding members of the research group. The panel will assess your proposal based on the criteria of relevance, originality, rigor, impact, and communication. You will receive feedback and comments from the panel along with the decision on your proposal.

How do you ensure the confidentiality and security of my proposal?

We take the confidentiality and security of your proposal very seriously. We will not share your proposal or any information related to it with anyone outside the evaluation panel, without your prior consent. We will also use secure and encrypted platforms and tools to store, access, and transmit your proposal and any feedback or comments on it. We will delete your proposal and any related data from our systems after the evaluation process is completed, unless you agree to keep them for future reference or follow-up.