Development Economics I

Course Info:


  • Lectures
  • TA Sessions: 1 session/week, 2-3 hours/session: Tuesdays 12:45-14:45, class num. 2013.
  • Activities:
    • Essays: Students must write four essays related to lectures. The subjects are provided by the TAs. The subject of these written assignments can be either: (a) student answer to a question that has been suggested by the TA on each lecture’s required reading; or (b), an opinion piece on a topic of his/her choice related to the lecture’s required reading. In either case, they are expected to state a thesis up front, discuss why their reader should care about the topic they’ve chosen, and argue in favor of it. A book report or other type of non-critical summary is not acceptable. These assignments are to be completed individually and in their own words.

      Because 500 words is very short their written argument should be concise and punchy, and be high on content and opinion. It will take some time to compose one possible strategy is to write a 1000 word piece and edit it down to 500 words so that they are left with only the essential argument.

    • Projects: Each group have 4 projects to have getting done and presented into the TA sessions. The topics will be provided by the TAs and are related to the lecture topics.

    • Papers: There are papers will be assigned to all groups and they have to present them in the TA sessions. For each paper they must write a referee report. The papers are assigned by the course instructor himself.

    • Proposal/Project: Each student should write a proposal on Development, or do a research project based on the course references.


Find the course material; essays, papers and projects here.

The mentioned essays and projects are designed by TAs under the supervision of Prof. Hoseini as follows:

  • Industrial Policy: Mahla Saber
  • Institutions: Faezeh Eskandari
  • Poverty: Ali Bahrami Sani
  • Intergenerational Mobility: Ali Bahrami Sani

Useful Material: